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The Modestshoppin Movement

Sep 30, 2019

This one can sneak up on you if you aren't careful... whether for good or bad, whether you like it or not, you are who hang around... so choose wisely (Insert Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail clip here)

Don't worry, it's never too late, but it may be the reason you don't have the life you want.

Sep 27, 2019

You are not alone... When life gets hard and you feel like WHY me, we've got great news for you... 


Brig and Jase & The Modestshoppin Movement

Sep 24, 2019

Brigitte of helps us eat that elephant one bite at a time. MrModestshoppin preaches mindset and why is Brig already telling a NAKED story?

Sep 24, 2019

Owner operators of Brigitte and Jason Shamy share how and maybe more importantly WHY along with some very interesting thoughts on work/life balance... Is it really possible to have work/life balance and not ugly cry in your closet or want to punch someone in the throat?

Sep 24, 2019

The inaugural episode of the owners of launch The Modestshoppin Movement (Podcast) introductions are made, we hear some motivation and inspiration, but most importantly the stage is set and we explore both why DONE is BETTER than perfect and also why Knowledge is Power is a LIE!